We get to experience the vintage kickbacks in the glass wear styles every now and then, but cat eyeglasses and their international prestige has remained unstoppable throughout the vaults of history. It seems that this heaven-sent frame comes from the inhabitants of its own with the longest-standing bandwagon effect for a frame to have ever rocked store shelves. That’s not it! Even the history of cat eye glasses is worth eyeballing with peaks and dips and then the buzzworthy exposure which resonates even today. If it weren't for its swanky winged-out style, the cat eye glasses would have achieved a usual response. Despite a couple of eras of moments in the sun, it still shines like a star.


Cat Eye Glasses - The Birth of A Star Frame: 

Before the astounding advent of cat eyeglasses, the round glasses were under the limelight due to their new & inventive look. However, it wasn’t long when the manufacturers found a new chink to cut the mustard and made the first-ever cat-eye frame. In the 1930s, the cat-eye frames were famously deemed as the “glasses for lunatics” and that no production facility would take a bet on its winged out and all-too-fancy style. After endless struggles and anticipations, this frame waltzed the stores and nabbed a top spot. Thanks to Altina Shinai, the brainchild behind cat-eye frame glasses whose grandeur taste of inspirations from an Italian heritage escalated this idea.

Cat Eye Glasses - The Interlude For Stardom: 

After banking big in general likeness, the cat-eye glasses went through a storm of high-end market achievements. Unlike today, when the term “celebrity” embraces anyone who is previewed on television, in the 1950s, the stardom only belonged to silver-screen artists. Their preferred fashion taste would take over the country by the night and this distinction is unfathomable. After-sales skyrocketed, the interlude for stardom seeped in with the era’s sweethearts such as Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn flaunting its varying styles. That’s when it flipped the burgers for cat eyeglasses.

Cat Eye Glasses -The Modern Make-Over: 

A pinch of modernity made this frame a far-out sensation among the 21st-century glass-wearers. With eyewear superstores such as Goggles4U UK, customers can purchase cat-eye frames in new shapes, sizes, temple arms and lens formations to resound with its vintage flourish. At Goggles4U UK, an exotic range of sleek, bold and patterned is available to purchase. The demand for cat eyeglasses and glamour wraps itself around only widespread. The winged-out shape that masquerades an Italian party mask has become a go-to frame. Make your pick of cat eyeglasses at Goggles4U UK.



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Stockley Park, Uxbridge

UB11 1FW, United Kingdom

Phone: (0808) 164 0580


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