Blue light is a spectrum of electronically inducted light that is harmful to the natural components of the eyes. This type of light is housed in various electronic and digital devices that base our days upon such as the tv, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and portable gaming consoles. Although a small proportion of the blue light keeps the eyes active during the day and at night, however, a fair amount is responsible for damaging the retina and causing macular degeneration. The optometrists recommend not using the electronic items in a dim-light setting and blue light is the culprit. Moreover, not just in gadgets, a more intensified form of the hazardous blue light is found in the UV rays of the sun, which is another major source of destruction for human eyes. If not protected properly, the blue light interferes with the retinal tendencies of men, women & kids and begins plummeting the vision quality with various syndromes encounter.
Did you know that the unfiltered blue light is responsible for damaging your tendency to look at things clearly? This means that we can be easily targeted for the "Computer Vision Syndrome" CVS as the digital devices emit blue light without any stoppage and our eyes exercise their focus back and forth, causing the retinal properties to weaken over a certain period of time and lose the natural potential of sight. After receiving this unfriendly stream of light, the human eyes start to react as it grapples with a more intense continuum of the rays than they can adhere to naturally. In the end, the blue light consisting of TVs, mobile phones, and other gadgets begin causing dry eyes, sticky eyes, and digital eye strain which causes scalp pain and other irritations. If an average distance for High Energy Visible (HEL) blue light is not maintained by (415 to 455 nm) then there is a risk of succumbing to the digital eye burn.
Select The Single Vision Lenses and Choose the "Anti-Reflective Coating" option. Select "Blue-Cut Premium Coating"

Our Digital Screen Protection is the most leading & reliable way of combating the digital eye-straining blue light. This type of lens is easily integrated into a frame of your choice and corresponds well with all types of lenses. Whether it's progressive eyeglasses or a pair of bifocal eyewear, the digital screen protection coats up the regular lenses to turn your eyeglasses into a shield of protection from all things digital. Our blue-cut lenses impressively block 17% of the light and have been tested with DIY pass-through experiments. Step into the digital world with confidence. Shop your glasses with Digital Screen Protection here.
Already in need of the Blue Cut Premium Coating? It's time to add an extra layer of protection to your eyes by ordering your next pair of glasses at Goggles4U. Order blue cut lenses and save your vision from getting damaged and dodging the Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Experience the digital era with the protected vision for men, women, and children.